Tuesday, February 26, 2008

j.high winter camp!

well we made it to camp this year... and once we got up the mountain it was totally worth it!
calvary vista hosted winter camp at green valley lake. there was TONS of snow, and it was the first time some of our kiddos had ever seen it. we went innertubing, snowball fighting, and even got to hear a private concert from phil wickham! the most exciting part was to see how many kids made a decision for Christ, and how others faith was strengthened and matured! we hope you can come with us next year!

click the play button above to see an interview with cameron... he had a very good time at camp!


Tiny said...

Wow! I can't believe I know those guys. It's like I know famous people or something. I can say I knew them "when".
Anyway, they will all be mine someday! HAHAHAHA
Love in Christ
High School Leader

Molly said...

Konnichiwa, from misawa, Japan. WOW I cannot believe we have already been here for three months. I miss you guys sooooo much.My b-day just passed and I am finally 12. WOOT!!! Keep posting pics for us. ttyl!!
